Tag Archives: Personal

Think Pink

It’s Click of the Wild time again, and this time, Molly chose “Pink”.

think pink copy

Pink is not hard to come by in my house. In fact, it is everywhere. Everywhere! Honestly, I didn’t put a lot of thought into getting a ‘pink’ shot. I just wanted to sort of be noticing and see what happened… And it just so happened that I got plenty of pink in these shots I took of Bristol. We were cleaning up and she and Kennedy were supposed to be helping me. We found Bristol like this:2014-01-06_0002.jpg

Haha! She really does keep us laughing :)






I had an idea to take a picture of different shades of pink thread in my Mom’s sewing room… but I didn’t love the outcome…

The shot that I ended up using for Click of the Wild, and I LOVE it, is this:

The last day of our focus on Pink I walked into my laundry room and saw that one of my girls had carefully placed their little Barbie washer and dryer right next to mine. It made me laugh and kept me smiling every time I walked in there. I don’t think I’ll move it anytime soon! I asked who did it and found out Bristol had done it, she said “I wanted a Mommy dryer and a baby dryer”. Well, that makes perfect sense, and looks just like “Mommy and Baby” in size – here is a shot that shows a little more of the scale of the two….

Thank you for looking! Now head over to Clickofthewild.wordpress.com to see how the other girls saw and captured ‘pink’.

(sorry, my links still aren’t working)

Beach Trip 2013

Ah, family beach trip 2013. It was good.
I really didn’t take a lot of pictures with my ‘big’ camera…. 3 kids and a sandy beach made finding time to pull out the camera, take pictures and then safely pack it back up a little tough. Plus, I really try to live in the moment when I am with my family, and not behind the camera. It’s hard though, because I wanted both. I wanted to capture gorgeous pictures to remember it all, but I also wanted to be there. Be present.

And so, I used my iphone and instagram a lot. As in, if you follow me on Instagram you may have rolled your eyes and said “enough!” and if you don’t follow me… well, feel free to do so! You can find me under the name bobbie__brown (that’s two underscores) :)

We went out on the beach right after getting there and grabbing a bite to eat. We didn’t bother with bathing suits, and within 5 seconds everyone was wet! Can you tell they were just a little bit excited?


My three girls, heading down to the beach…












We were so glad to have Poppa and MawMaw with us again this year… Here is Bristol with MawMaw.







Stuart woke me up early one morning and said “Babe, wake up! Hurry! Lets go watch the sunrise!” Seriously dude. I love him. It was amazing. This is what we saw as we hurried down the boardwalk…

We got down on the beach just in time for the incredible display of light…



30 minutes later it looked like this…

We took a later morning walk with the whole family once everyone else got up….






A quick shot I took after supper one night…

My Aunt texted me and asked me to get a picture of Poppa and MawMaw on the beach… as she said “two of my favorite people at one of my favorite places”… I was happy to do it :)

Here are a few teeny tiny collages with some of the iPhone pictures… Sigh… I don’t know why they are so small, but now that they are here, I have decided to just leave them and move on to the list of things I need to be doing instead of fixing this. I know, totally professional of me. But, feel free to click on these to see them larger.
iphone (1)

iphone (2)

iphone (3)

Thanks for looking!

(Almost a) White Christmas

Bristol woke up as I was preparing yesterdays post, so I decided to put these pictures on a separate post, and am very pleased with myself for getting them up today I must add! Go me! ;)

Here in NC we don’t get a whole lot of snow. And I have never seen a white Christmas. But this year the snow started falling on Christmas night and the next day we woke up to a winter wonderland!

My backyard looked like this:

And this picture was taken with my phone… we stopped on a bridge on the way home from church so that I could snap it! Snow always makes everything look different in a beautiful crisp and clean kind of way, and to me creeks/rivers/lakes/ponds or any kind of water looks especially pretty.

I forgot Kennedy’s hat and gloves that day (I was in a hurry just trying to get them both ready for church by myself since my hubby was working!) so here she is wearing her Daddy’s hat in the snow at Mimi’s house..

The next day there was still snow on the ground (a rare thing here in NC!) so this time we played out in the snow with hats and gloves that fit!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Christmas flashback

Seriously, I have had intentions of getting this post up since the day after Christmas. Well, my real intentions might have been 2 or 3 days after, but here we are 10 11 12 days after Christmas and I am throwing it together. Finally.  I seem to be caught up in the day-to-day of life.  You know, the kids, the house, the laundry, the what-to-cook-for-dinners? Yeah, that. I am not the cleanest or most organized person by any means. There are many times that I think please don’t let anyone drop in, I’d be so embarrassed because it looks like a tornado came through this place! But while I am not Miss Clean and Organized, I do like for it to be that way. And I do work on it. But, my girls are asleep right now so I am sitting down amongst Cheerios on the floor and toys and books and juice cups, and I am blogging! (Does it count for anything that the broom is leaning against the wall just off to my right where I started sweeping?!)

Lately I have found myself posting quick posts, the ones I can get up in just a few minutes and be done with it.  And that has a lot to do with this:

Oh yes. Bristol Bee likes to follow me around and hang out on my legs, and that slows this Momma down a lot!

So, enough of the rambling, let me get down to the point of this post.

Christmas. It was wonderful! Kids really do make it extra special.

Every year for something like 20 years my MawMaw has had a “Candy Making Day” at her house for us grand-daughters. We used to spend the night – and a few still do – we eat breakfast, have an apron exchange (everyone brings an apron and we play the “White Elephant” game… don’t know about it? Google it, it is fun!) then we get down to the business of making Christmas goodies, wearing our new aprons of course! Well this year I was sick and missed it for the first time ever :( I must admit, I was so bummed.

But, that didn’t stop me from going up to MawMaw’s once I got well and cooking up some goodies. Heidi also came (she had to leave early on the original candy making day because her little girl didn’t feel good) and we just had a good day of baking and making candy with MawMaw and our girls.

Here are a few shots I got of Kennedy and Tori making lemon cookies…

Interesting fact: the rolling pin they used to roll out the dough belonged to Tori and Kennedy’s great-great-great-grandmother!

And here they are proudly showing off the finished product

After the lemon cookies they lost interest in the kitchen and instead let Poppa read books to them and just played together :)

Then Christmas… oh Kennedy was SO excited this year! I took snapshots, but tried to just be in the moment more than getting great pictures. Because often if you are not careful you’ll find yourself behind the camera capturing the moments instead of living them :)

While doing some baking of my own…

I looked over and saw Bristol holding her “taggie” and just about to fall asleep watching me while she sat on the counter in her Bumbo seat…

I thought it was pretty adorable :)

And I’ll end this post with one last picture from Christmas morning; Kennedy digging in her stocking… This picture makes me giddy with Christmas happiness.