Linden chose ”Home” for our focus these past two weeks. And I have to be honest, I did not make time to get the shot - or shots - that I wanted. I loved the focus word, and I had so many idea’s, but I didn’t make the time to capture them.
I did grab this shot of Tenley dancing, and while it may not shout ‘home!’ to most, it really does to me.
As the saying goes, Home is where the heart is. And I fully believe that. Home is also where the dress-up dresses and spinning, dancing girls are in my life. My home.
We dance and play and live and love. And so much more. But these days - months - of life seem to be filled with dancing and dress-up dresses. And, right now, it’s one of the many ways I see and think of ‘home’.
I happened to see these two photo’s last week, and I thought of how they are both a good example of how I see ‘home’ too. These were taken last December…
Thanks for looking! Click on over to Click of the Wild to see the official “home” post!